00 20/04/2005 23:37
Le conclusioni dell'House Select Committe of Assassinations (1978-79)in merito all'autenticità delle oto e delle radiografie del cadavere di John Kennedy:.


(a) Introduction

Authentication of the autopsy photographs allegedly. taken of President Kennedy was considered essential because of the discrepant descriptions that have been given of the wounds incurred by the President. The description of the size and location of the President's head wounds, for example, by eyewitnesses at Parkland Hospital differed dramatically from the testimony of the autopsy doctors and the account set forth in the Warren Report. (195) More recently, the panel of medical experts convened by then-Acting Attorney General Ramsey Clark described Kennedy's head entrance wound as approximately 10 centimeters higher than the location reported by the Warren Commission (196) As a result of these discrepancies, it was essential to verify that the autopsy photographs and X-rays did, in fact, depict Kennedy and that these materials had not been altered in any way
(b) Issues

1. Do the postmortem photographs and X-rays in the custody of the National Archives purporting to depict President Kennedy, in fact, depict him?

2. Is there any evidence that either President Kennedy's autopsy photographs or X-rays have been altered?
(e) Conclusion

1. The postmortem photographs and X-rays in the custody of the National Archives purporting to depict Kennedy do, in fact, depict him. Because the Department of Defense was unable to locate the camera and lens that were used to take these photographs, the panel was unable to engage in an analysis similar to the one undertaken with the Oswald backyard pictures that was designed to determine whether a particular camera in issue had been used to take the photographs that were the subject of inquiry. The principle of stereoscopy is discussed in detail in pars. 75-79. 434 36 supra. While several of the autopsy photographs and X-days were enhanced through the use of digital image processing, the resulting enhanced photographs and X-rays were used exclusively by the autopsy panel for determining the nature and cause of wounds. They were found to be unnecessary in the analysis to detect possible fakery, since the original materials, when viewed stereoscopically, were of sufficient quality to resolve this issue.

2. There is no evidence that either the Kennedy autopsy photographs or X-rays have been altered.

1. Authentication of JFK autopsy photographs and X-rays.--Certain conspiracy theorists have claimed that the autopsy photographs and X-rays are of a person other than the President. Is there scientific evidence that will support or refute this claim?

Both the skull and torso autopsy radiographs, now in the possession of the National Archives, are X-rays of President John F. Kennedy.
The autopsy radiographs of the lower torso, including the pelvis and upper legs, could be compared to the antemortem Navy. films taken in 1962. These also show an impressive number of osseous details in common. Of particular interest was the right transverse process of the fifth lumbar vertebra. In both sets of films it was displaced upwards in a manner suggestive of a congenital malformation or an old, ununited fracture.

To summarize, the skull and torso radiographs taken at autopsy match the available ante mortem films of the President in such a wealth of intricate morphological detail that there can be no reasonable doubt that they are in fact X-rays of John F. Kennedy, and no other person.
Diego Verdegiglio