00 20/07/2005 14:47
per completezza.....
...se la memoria non mi inganna:
1)nell'attentato al Presidente Reagan vennero utilizzate cartucce a palla esplosiva calibro 22LR "Devastator"(Bingham LTd)..che non esplosero...
2)la morte del Presidente Garfield sembra sia stata causata dai tentativi dei medici ad estrarre la palla(che aveva prodotto una ferita non letale) tanto che "At his trial, the assassin Guiteau admitted shooting the President, but denied killing him. Instead, he claimed that Garfield's physicians killed him. Although Guiteau was executed because his defense was not strong enough, he was probably correct.
Garfield's original wound was 3.5 inches long, and ended with the bullet lodged in a harmless part of the abdomen. The wound was probed by the fingers of numerous physicians during the rest of Garfield's life so that, by the time of his death, the wound track was 20 inches long and oozing pus"....
3)il ritrovamento in modalita' che possono sembrare "strane" dei proiettili utilizzati per fatti criminosi non e' poi cosi rara: nel caso di Medgar Evers, evento e storia processuale raccontate nel bel film "L'agguato" con Whoopi Goldberg, Alec Baldwin, james Wodds e Virginia Madsen, difensore dei diritti degli americani di colore, colpito a morte da una palla appartenente a cartuccia calibro 30-06 ...."The bullet tore into Evers' back, plowed through his body, pierced a window and a wall in the house, and came to rest beneath a watermelon on a kitchen counter"
Cordiali saluti
Andrea Allemandi

[Modificato da MK108 20/07/2005 15.43]