00 08/05/2007 03:37
No,non c'è nessuna prova del fatto.

No; there is no credible evidence that Shaw knew Ferrie

Tutti i presunti indizi sulla conoscenza Shaw-Ferrie vennero demoliti durante il processo scaturito dall'indagine di Garrison.Ad esempio

The only other evidence of such a relationship consists of two 1949 photographs from a benefit party for New Orleans radio station WDSU, alleged to depict Clay Shaw and David Ferrie side by side. In the more famous of the two, "Ferrie" has been positively identified as WDSU broadcaster Robert Brannon, who died in 1962. He does indeed bear a striking resemblance to Ferrie, but not the Ferrie of 1949, who did not yet visibly suffer from alopecia, the disease that later caused the loss of his hair. The "Ferrie" figure in the second photograph has been identified as dentist J. Mofield Roberts, and does not bear any particular resemblance to Ferrie. (In 1949, Ferrie had not yet moved to New Orleans.

Più grave il caso dei cosidetti "testimoni di Clinton" che avrebbero visto Shaw alla guida di una Cadillac nera insieme con Ferrie.Successive indagini rivelarono che la storia era stata inventata

Author Patricia Lambert has unexpectedly discovered evidence that demolishes the Clinton witnesses' story. Lambert tracked down onetime Garrison investigator Anne Hundley Dischler, who had never been interviewed previously, and whose name seems to have been intentionally obscured by Garrison's office. Dischler still had the three stenographic pads of field notes she had accumulated during her brief tenure on the Clinton investigation in 1967. Her notes reveal the Clinton story to be a fabrication. http://www.jfk-online.com/jfk100clinton.html

Il "teorema" di Garrison verteva su un fantomatico complotto di omosessuali,di cui Shaw sarebbe stato il capo e Ferrie uno degli adepti.Secondo questa teoria anche Oswald e Ruby avrebbero fatto parte della congiura gay.Il movente? l'odio contro il virile Presidente http://freeforumzone.leonardo.it/viewmessaggi.aspx?f=11393&idd=501 Ecco alcuni link (in Inglese) su Clay Shaw e David Ferrie http://www.jfk-online.com/jfk100whoshaw.html http://www.jfk-online.com/jfk100whoferrie.html
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