00 16/05/2007 16:50
Il vicesceriffo Roger Craigh (che dimostrò di non essere credibile in varie circostanze relative all'assassinio,ad esempio mentì sul fatto di essere stato presente ad un interrogatorio di Oswald,crf Posner p.259)Sostenne di aver visto un uomo vagamente somigliante ad Oswald proveniente dal deposito di libri,scendere di corsa lungo il prato nord di Helm street ed infilarsi in una station wagon guidata da un uomo di colore.Questo episodio sarebbe avvenuto un quarto d'ora dopo gli spari.Il fatto che diversi testimoni identificarono Oswald fuori dalla Dealey Plaza dieci minuti dopo gli spari ed il ritrovamento nelle sue tasche del biglietto dell'autobus usato per allontanarsi dimostrano che l'uomo visto da Craigh non poteva essere Lee.Inoltre quindici minuti dopo gli spari il deposito dei libri,Elm street,il parcheggio ferroviario e le strade adiecenti erano già sotto il controllo della polizia.Interessante inoltre notare che Craigh scrisse nel 1971 un libro di taglio complottista sul delitto Kennedy:"When They Kill A President".Circa un altro mezzo,un Ford Truck, visto intorno alle 10,40 vicino al sottopassaggio,si trattava di un mezzo in panne di propietà di una compagnia di manutenzione che lavorava per la "First National Bank" di Dallas.

The following investigation was conducted by SA's HENRY J. OLIVER
and LOUIS M. KELLEY on December 9, 1963:

JOE MURPHY, Patrolman, Traffic Division, Police Department,
Dallas, Texas, advised that on November 22, 1963, he was stationed at the
Triple Underpass on Elm Street to assist in handling traffic. At
approximately 10:30 - 10:40 AM, a pickup truck stalled on Elm Street
between Houston Street and the underpass. He was unable to recall the name
of the company to whom this truck belonged but stated it is the property
of the company working on the First National Bank Building at Elm and
Akard in Dallas.

There were three construction men in this truck, and he took one
to the bank building to obtain another truck in order to assist in moving
the stalled one. The other two men remained with the pickup truck along
with two other officers. Shortly prior to the arrival of the motorcade,
the man he had taken to the bank building returned with a second truck,
and all three of the men left with the two trucks, one pushing the other.

MURPHY noted that the men did not leave the truck except for the
one he took to the bank building, and all three left together sometime
prior to the arrival of the President's motorcade. He described the
stalled truck as being a green pickup and noted the truck had the hood
raised during the time it was stalled. This truck had side tool bins on
it, and they had a considerable amount of construction equipment in the

MURPHY futher stated it was probable that one of these men had
taken something from the rear of this truck in an effort to start it. He
stated these persons were under observation all during the period they
were stalled on Elm Street because the officers wanted the truck moved
prior to the arrival of the motorcade, and it would have been impossible
for any of them to have had anything to do with the assassination of
President KENNEDY.

carmelo pugliatti