00 02/08/2007 10:01
Per Massimo: in effetti non è il caso di resuscitare il mantra. La deviazione? Rimane il legno di quercia, rimarrà la tua domanda (il secondo mantra) “portami il ramo”. Per quanto riguarda la scheggia che colpisce il “curb” e quella che graffia la guancia di Tague non avevo ancora sentito parlare di una possibile mancanza di energia cinetica. Dove l’hai sentito dire?

Per Andrea. Non è che non voglia rispondere. È che mi trovo nella scomoda posizione di dover giustificare la assoluta verità di elementi del Rapporto che vengono portati, paradossalmente, a sostegno della teoria del complotto quando poi lo stesso Rapporto è accusato di essere falso, in malafede, alterato, ipocrita, corrotto. Vogliamo fidarci? Fidiamoci.
A pagina 93 del Rapporto si legge:

At the time of the shooting, Governor Connally was unaware that he had sustained any injuries other than his chest wounds. On the back of his arm, about 2 inches (5 centimeters) above the wrist joint on the thumb side, Dr. Charles F. Gregory observed a linear perforating wound approximately one-fifth of an inch (one-half centimeter) wide and 1 inch (2 1/2 centimeters) long. During his operation on this injury, the doctor concluded that this ragged wound was the point of entry because thread and cloth had been carried into the wound to the region of the bone.
Dr. Gregory's conclusions were also based upon the location in the Governor's wrist, as revealed by X-ray, of small fragments of metal shed by the missile upon striking the firm surface of the bone. Evidence of different amounts of air in the tissues of the wrist gave further indication that the bullet passed from the back to the front of the wrist.
An examination of the palm surface of the wrist showed a wound approximately one-fifth of an inch (one-half centimeter) long and approximately three-fourths of an inch (2 centimeters) above the crease of the right wrist. Dr. Shaw had initially believed that the missile entered on the palm side of the Governor's wrist and exited on the back side. After reviewing the factors considered by Dr. Gregory, however, Dr. Shaw withdrew his earlier opinion. He deferred to the judgment of Dr. Gregory, who had more closely examined that wound during the wrist operation.

Allora: la ferita di entrata al polso nella parte dorsale è a 5 centimetri dal polso, quella sul palmo di uscita a due centimetri.
Rilevo che prendere per assolutamente esatti gli schizzi di un medico sulla sagoma umana nel referto autoptico è, se non in malafede, quantomeno ingenuo. Per le misurazioni delle ferite non si prende il righello misurando lo schizzo del dottore, si leggono i referti che riportano le misurazioni fatte sul corpo dai medici.

Comunque: il dottor Gregory, che giustamente a detta di Shaw aveva più titolo per spiegare la ferita poiché l’aveva curata, disse alla Commissione:

Mr. Specter: Would you consider it possible, in your professional opinion, for the same bullet to have inflicted all of the wounds which you have described on Governor Connally?
Dr. Gregory: Yes; I believe it is very possible, for a number of reasons. One of these -- is the apparent loss of energy manifested at each of the various body surfaces, which I transected, the greatest energy being at the point of entry on the posterior aspect of the chest and of the fifth rib, where considerable destruction was done and the least destruction having been done in the medial aspect of the thigh where the bullet apparently expended itself.
. . . We know that high velocity bullets striking bone have a strong tendency to shatter bones and the degree to which the fifth rib was shattered was considerably in excess of the amount of shattering which occurred in the radius -- the forearm.
. . . I think that the missile was continually losing velocity with each set of tissues which it encountered and transected, and the amount of damage done is progressively less from first entrance to the thorax to the last entrance in the thigh. (6H101-2)

Quindi per Gregory era quell'unico colpo ad aver causato le ferite. Credo che i complottisti possano tornare a considerarlo uno schiavo corrotto del Governo e non un paladino della verità.

[Modificato da Federico Ferrero 02/08/2007 10:03]
Federico Ferrero